Thursday, January 28, 2010

Actually DRINKING juice!

Today at "dinner" I gave Colton his juice in his Nuby cup.  Usually he bites it to make the juice come out- well not today!  He was actually DRINKING from the cup :-)  What a big boy he is getting to be!  He LOVES his toys- everyone is always say about how their little one doesn't actually play with toys.  Well not Colton, he will play with EVERYTHING!  It is funny to watch how much he concentrates on one thing. 

A little side note about other exciting thing that happened today:
I got my free mousepad in the mail today!  I was SUPER excited!  It came out very nice!  I also got an e-mail from MySavings saying they accepted me as an affiliate, which is AWESOME!  I will probably be spending the evening setting that up on my other blog ( ). 
I now have 50 followers on my other blog! 

Monday, January 25, 2010

Plaster Hand Print Today

Oh Boy!  Colton just didn't understand LOL.  But I did get 1 okay hand print-  he kept trying to "grab" the plaster.  What a cutie!  lol.  I think his favorite part was washing his hands in the sink afterwards.  He has never done that before so he was trying to play in the water. 
Of course he had the plaster everywhere so washing hands wasn't good enough- he had to have another bath!  But we had a good time making it!  I will definitely have him do it again on his 1st Birthday!  Maybe than he will understand a little better. 

Colton is starting to "scoot" around while he is laying on his belly- he can easily move in circle and roll from tummy to back.  Which he did SO many times today LOL. 

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Avacado-- YUCK

Well I haven't given any to Colton yet-- but I cut it open and decided to taste it, I had to spit it out and than get a drink to get the nasty taste out of my mouth!  I guess I will make it tonight- add a little breastmilk for flavor, and see what he thinks- 

I received my review stuff from Lansinoh in the mail today!

On my other blog Jessica Loves to Save Money Lansinoh is sponsoring a Review and Giveaway!  I have been SUPER excited about this!  And yesterday FedEX dropped off a package from them!  They gave me nursing pads, soothies, and diaper rash cream to try out and review.  Today I took pics of everything, opened it up and checked everything out!  Now I can't wait until Colton Wakes up so I can try out the diaper rash cream :-)

Picture People is Closing :-(

Admanda, Madelyn, and Amanda's sister Emily came to visit Thursday!  We had a great time!  And while we were at the mall we stopped in Picture People so that Amanda could get Madi's picture taken.  And while we were there I learned Picture People will be closing on Sunday! 
I am SO sad!  I have only been there 4 times, but everytime I have come out with great photos!  Unfortunitely many stores in the Eastwood mall are closeing- it was disclosed that they are raising they lease fees and many stores just aren't willing to over pay.  It is sad that they worked so hard to remodel and it finally "looks" nice-- and now they aren't going to have stores that bring customers to their mall. 

Pics From Picture People:

Monday, January 18, 2010

Let me count thy ways...

Dear Colton,
There are so many things I love about you, you are the light of my life and I am so thankful for you!

I love the way you look at me and smile every time.
I love the way you are so intent on things (the remote or your toys).
I love the way you laugh if I "cough" at you.
I love your giggle.
I love your tiny toes and chubby feet.
I love the way you can sit up really well-until you get excited and you forget to keep your balance.
I love the way you jump so hard in your jumperoo.
I love your slobbery kisses.
I love your toothless smile.
I love how you bite the sippy cup lid instead of sucking out the juice. (you still drank a 1/2 cup of juice this way today)
I love how you will hold your self up at tummy time, than suddenly you get lazy and just lay face first on the floor until I pick up.
I secretely love spending time with you at 4:30 in the morning- even if I have to sacrifice some sleep. 
I love how you always know where your "food" is and will eat any chance you get.  (my greedy little man lol)
I love the way you "hug" me even though I am pretty sure you just want to pull my hair.
I love holding while you are peacefully sleeping.
I love watching you sleep.
I love wondering "what is he thinking?"
I love the way you bite/attack Sophie.
I love it when I read you books and you insist on holding the book- even though than it makes it very difficult to read the book.
I love the way you instantly stop crying if I play "Strawberry Wine" and sing along for you.
I love it when I feed you and it's like you just can't wait for me to get the next bite to you.
I love every moment I get to spend with you.
I love when I give you a bath, you splash most of the water out of the tub (either on me or the carpet).
I love when I give you a bath how excited you get- your legs kicking like crazy.
I love how calm you are in the swimming pool- I can tell you love the water.
I love how chunky you look in your swim suit :-)
I love you VERY chunky thighs.
I love how you are always happy.
I love how you love my kisses! 
I love your chubby cheeks!
I love your bright eyes.
I love how you chew on your blankey.
I love how you like to chew on my fingers.
I love how anything I have you want it-- cell phone, or the key board like right now :-)
I love everything about you!

I Love You,

PS There are so many more but you just woke up and require my attention right now :-)

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Colton had his shots today :-(

Well I posted earlier (via my phone) Colton's stats for the Pediatrician appointment today- but I just wanted to let you know the other important details. 

FIRST- Omg, who would have thought that little chunker would have weighed in at UNDER 20 LBS!!  I certainly didn't!  His little chubs were hanging off the side of the scale, it was so cute!  :-)  Adam is still saying he thinks the scale was wrong- I'm sure it was correct though. 
It is seriously such a relief that he is starting to slow down, he is now in the 85% for his age- which is much better than 95% and 94% like before ;-) 

I got the okay for juice- Dr. says he doesn't NEED it, but if I want to give him some variety, juice is okay.  Adam and I need to go to Target to get him a Nuby sippy cup (and another mesh feeder too) - I want him to try that cup first.  And Dr. also said he can start on the Stage 2 foods that have 2 ingredients (Apple/pear)- Colton tried AppleBlueberry today, and LOVED IT!  YAY!  for new foods :-)

My mom taught Colton to "cough" last week- and yesterday she babysat so now he is "coughing" all the time.  Of course he wouldn't cough for the nurse today.  Why don't babies perform on conmand!  LOL. 

Just yesterday and today, Colton has started to really be able to balance himself sitting up.  I still can't leave his side while he is sitting up, but I have a feeling that day is coming very soon!

My little man is really growing up :-(/ :-)
Well, apparently this is national "De-Lurking Week" in the blog realm. Well it means it is time to come out of the closet!  If you lurk here frequently and don't post, here is your chance!  Feel free to comment, ask questions, or just say "hi!".  Say anything you'd like, no hard feelings here :-)

So what do you wanna know?? :)

Thanks, Mamma Maven in the Making for this idea!
Colton had his drs appointment: height 27.5 inches (75%), 19.2 lbs (85%), head circumfrence 46 cm, chest circumfrence 49 cm- growing strong!

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

testing from my phone :)

Thursday, January 7, 2010

6 Months in Photos

Colton is getting SO big!  It is hard to believe he used to be so tiny.  The past 6 months have flown by, and I don't really know where the time has gone.  Colton laughs ALL THE TIME.  He rolls over, when he feels like it ;-).  His favorite activity is his jumperoo, oh wait... actually his favorite activity is nursing lol, which is probably why he is so chubby.  He loves to read with "Mama" and snuggle up.  Some toys he LOVES are Sophie the Giraffe, v-tech baby lap top, Elmo Live, V-tech learn and discover steering Wheel, soothing seahorse, and My Pal Scout. 

I just love my little man <3

Birth Weight 6 lbs 13 oz    ------------------- 6 Months weight >20 lbs

(Galen's B-day)

(He's crying because the browns stink)

My Birthday (10/6/09)



Styffeller Christmas Party

Chase and Colton Checking each other out

Best Friends Visit Santa Together

My very Own Tractor!

I can open all my own presents, TY very much!

6 Months Old!